javascript:; IRAES 21 "Iraunkortasuneko Eskolen Sarea 21": Europako Confint-aren koordinaziotik hau heldu zaigu:
"Iraunkortasunerako Eskola" errekonozitutako Euskadiko ikastetxeen sarea

Red de los centros de Euskadi con el reconocimiento de "Escuela hacia la Sostenibilidad"


Europako Confint-aren koordinaziotik hau heldu zaigu:

 TWIN SCHOOLS - Exchanges between European schools

This year, we strongly encourage intercultural exchanges between young Europeans, throughout the process. Promoting these remote exchanges will help make the link between local and global, and give ESD projects an intercultural dimension to motivate the students. While physical meetings only involve a limited number of participants, these remote exchanges throughout the year enable more young people to participate. The schools participating in the LTCP project can become partners with another European school. This twinning aims primarily at intercultural and linguistic exchange between young people, and at sharing knowledge and experiences on the ESD projects conducted by the young people. It is an opportunity for them to address the local issues they are examining and to compare them with those studied by their twin school.
 Ikastetxeren bat animaten bada, mesedez abisatu, geuk jakiteko. 
Animatu, erraza da! 
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